Caring for the Individual

Profile of Ignatian Educators
Caring for the Individual

One of the most well-known tenets of Jesuit education is cura personalis, 一个拉丁术语,与关心和发展整个人同义. 所有预科学校的老师都在每天与学生的互动中展示了这一点. While many are wonderful examples of Ignatian educators, here we highlight three special teachers who live cura personalis in their classrooms each day.

Caroline Becker P’27 
Religious Studies

对卡洛琳•贝克尔来说,课堂应该是一个充满相互尊重和友爱的空间. “我相信,要实现真正的学习,冒险是必不可少的,”她说. “我的目标是建立一种充满信任的健康关系,这样冰球突破豪华版官网的学生就会在需要的时候愿意承担这些风险.”

贝克尔在40多岁时将教育作为第二职业,她认为这可能对她的课堂风格产生了影响. “也许年纪大一点让我对人际关系有了更直观的认识,” she says. “我认为冰球突破豪华版官网的工作不仅仅是交换信息的工具. 学习应该是一种全身体验,影响你如何看待世界和你所做的决定.”

One way that Becker uses to build those relationships is a monthly check-in form that serves several purposes and covers a wide range of matters impacting young men: reflections on class and feedback on units of study; their out of the classroom experiences; situations at home; how they celebrate holidays or breaks; sleep schedules; exercise and eating habits; and optional space for anything they want to add. 她还要求她的学生提供他们可能有的祈祷意图. 

“It has been a wonderful way to get the pulse of the classroom,” she says, “but also to learn about them as people. I have learned about ill parents, friends, their joys and heartaches. It has truly been a great opportunity.”

冥想、写日记或定期读诗篇都是她在课堂上的常规内容. “I believe that we need to model quiet and calm,” she says. “他们的大脑需要休息时间来集中注意力,并意识到与你的想法在一起是可以的. Then we can move into class in a healthy way.”

In addition, Becker is intentional about being present at Prep events. 她说:“冰球突破豪华版官网学生的很多生活和激情都发生在我的课堂之外。. “I want them to know that I care about that too, that I am there at a place that is important to them.”

Next year, 她将在教学计划中增加一门高级选修课:一门关于费城宗教的新课. 这是另一个帮助学生看到宗教对他们生活影响的机会. “Cura Urbi (care for the city) is really important to me,贝克尔说,任何参观她课堂的人都会亲眼看到,因为教室里装饰着费城的地图和物品. “我很高兴这门课有机会让学生们探索冰球突破豪华版官网城市的思想和心脏.” 

Joe Hendrzak 

Mr. H的时髦教室在三楼,就在主楼梯井旁边,是一个让学生有宾至如归感觉的好地方. Music is often playing, twinkling lights line the classroom, and Hendrzak is always ready with a friendly smile and greeting. 但一旦就座,紧张的学习就开始了,学生们也跟着走了.

“If we put students in challenging situations but give them support, that leads to growth,” says Hendrzak. “我希望我的课程非常具有挑战性,但也能给他们提供成功所必需的工具. 这是冰球突破豪华版官网作为教育者,需要培养学生成功的品质.”


“We want it to be gone but we haven’t taken the time to heal,” he says. “这很难诊断,但我相信冰球突破豪华版官网仍然没有从2020年发生的事情中恢复过来. I think we need to be open to the idea that we are not all whole, 有些学生带着看不见的背包,告诉他们这对他们的影响.”

As a capstone for his Environmental Science Class, Hendrzak has students design a small service project based on the United Nations Sustainability Goals, which includes clean water, education for all, and zero hunger. 

“In Environmental Science, 冰球突破豪华版官网谈论全球问题,但也需要关注当地,以产生影响,” says Hendrzak. “这个项目是学生设计一个社会正义项目的机会, outside of the Prep’s Ignatian Service component. Find an organization that calls to you, go out there and do something on your own, go out into the world and make a difference. In helping others heal, we heal ourselves.”

After the service, 学生创建一个关于项目如何影响社区和他们的反思和信息图表. 亨德扎克说:“当你阅读反射时,你可以看到结果。. 

一些学生在当地农场帮助种植,以帮助“食物岛上”的居民,那里获得优质食物和蔬菜的机会有限,而且价格昂贵. 其他学生与当地组织一起清理水道和公园. 

“There are so many places where we can help,” says Hendrzak, “but it can be hard to get it up and going. 这个项目帮助他们建立联系,可能会导致他们进一步参与.”

Teresa Hoffman 
Computer Science

If you ask students to give an example of a teacher who exemplifies cura personalis, many would say Mrs. Hoffman. 计算机科学系的系主任与学生们相处融洽,学生们在她的课堂上感到得到了支持.

“On a personal level, 对我来说,我和学生之间的相互尊重是非常重要的,” she says. “I genuinely like them and respect them.”

Like Becker, 霍夫曼认为,这种尊重有助于学生在学习困难的科目时感到自在. “在我的课堂上,冰球突破豪华版官网是一个团队,一群人一起学习,”她说. “When something difficult comes up, we work through it. 他们愿意承担风险并为此努力,因为他们知道冰球突破豪华版官网可以相互信任.”

While that attitude of care comes through in the classroom, 她还确保学生们看到她参加他们的体育和课外活动. 她说:“我认为,对冰球突破豪华版官网来说,以伊格纳爵的教育者的身份出现是很重要的。. “I go to their games, I go to their shows, I take groups of students to Robotics competitions, to coding competitions.”

That rapport has helped shape the curriculum for the department. 当学生们表示有兴趣更多地参与机器人技术时, they approached Hoffman who developed a new course in the subject. 这帮助那些可能无法定期参加学校机器人队比赛的学生获得了这项活动所带来的技能:计算机编程, engineering, design, and more. 

“他们很乐意和我讨论他们想要什么,我也很乐意倾听和看到冰球突破豪华版官网作为一个部门如何支持他们的学术需求,” Hoffman says. 


By caring for our students inside the classroom and out, Becker, Hendrzak, and Hoffman follow in a long tradition of outstanding Prep educators. 冰球突破豪华版官网期待着在未来的几个月里介绍更多优秀的教师.  
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